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March 20, 2007 EU Policy Seminar in Brussels
INFORSE-Europe EU Policy Seminar
in cooperation with EREF, EUFORES
Date: March 20, 2007
Place: Brussels, Belgium
A one-day seminar/event by INFORSE-Europe, EREF, EUFORES on highlights in New EU Policies for Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection
From the Program:
**** A New European Energy Policy
A session on EU new energy policies after the EU Summit March 8-9, - the effects for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
* * Speakers: MEP Claude Turmes (Greens);
MEP Britta Thomsen (socialist); Hans van Steen, EC DG TREN; Dörte Fouquet, EREF.
* * Chair: Prof. Thomas B. Johansson, IIIEE, Lund University
**** Energy Efficiency Action Plans
A session on implementation of the EU Action Plan on energy efficiency and the national energy action plans that all EU countries should finish in 2007.
* * Speakers: Ronald Bailey, EC DG TREN; Jan Geiss, EUFORES; Prof. Thomas Johansson, IIIEE, Lund University.
* * Chair: Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe
**** EU Guidelines on Environmental State Aid
The EU guidelines on environmental state aid are up for revision. What will the new guideline that will be introduced by the end of 2007 bring?
* * Speakers: Man. dir. Michael Thoene from FIFO Institute, Cologne, Germany; Dörte Fouquet, EREF.
* * Chair: Pete West, Severn Wye Energy Agency
**** Renewable Heating and Cooling
A session on renewables for the heating and cooling sectors and the new/upcoming directive to promote it.
* * Speakers: Raffaele Piria, ESTIF (European Solar Thermal Industries Federation) policy director; Tom Howes, EC DG TREN; Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe.
* * Chair: Pete West, Severn Wye Energy Agency
**** EU Emissions Trading and Sustainable Energy
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is often presented as the most important part of EU's Climate policy; but how will it influence renewable energy and energy efficiency? An assessment by three stakeholders based in the ongoing first trading period and preparations for the second period.
* * Speakers: Matthias Duwe, Climate Action Network - Europe; Jos Delbeke, EC DG Environment, Dörte Fouquet, EREF.
* * Chair: Jan Geiss, EUFORES
**** Visions for Sustainable Energy
Short session on sustainable energy alternatives for Europe developed by INFORSE and others. Elements for fast transitions to sustainable energy.
Speakers: Gunnar Boye Olesen & Emil Bedi, INFORSE-Europe.
Chair: Jan Geiss, EUFORES
******* ORGANISERS*******:
- INFORSE-Europe: International Network for Sustainable Energy, and
- EREF: European Renewable Energies Federation, and
- EUFORES: European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources
VENUE: ** Venue: Boulevard Charlemagne 28, 1000 Brussels (note: There is small change comparing to the previously anounced address. This building is on the other side of the corner) at the link bellow you can download a map.
(beside the Berlaymont & Charlemagne Buildings, Metro: Schuman, exit Charlemagne)
COSTS: 80 Eur per person incl. coffee and refreshments. (Max. 50 persons.)
- INFORSE-Europe, E-mail:
Ph: +45-86227000, Fax: +45 86227096.
- EUFORES, E-mail:
Ph:+32-2-546-1948, Fax:+32-2-546-1934
File: seminar_BXL_07_program.pdf
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