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UN CSD 14: May1-14, 2006, INFORSE Participates
From the INFORSE - International Network for Sustainable Energy - Secretariat, Gunnar Boye Olesen participated on the Conference in New York
Intervention & Side Event May 1, 2006.

Intervention by Gunnar Boye Olesen, International Network for Sustainable Energy, on behalf of NGOs for CSD14 thematic discussion 4/5-06 3-6 pm on industrial development and sustainable natural resources.......

"First I would like to welcome the good presentations of the panellist. I hope that the important lessons presented can be used as a basis for our continued work in CSD. Why not let the well-documented concept of factor four for energy efficiency as presented by Dr. Weizsaecker be a target for future development? We would welcome that from the NGOs.

Let me also allow to elaborate on one barrier to energy and resource efficiency and a possible solution: Many energy consuming goods are sold and used in other countries, and in other regions than where they are produced. This is a barrier to increase of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency must start with the production and even with the design of energy consuming goods. This can be best be made with international cooperation, where the users and producers cooperate and use the best available knowledge to increase energy efficiency. Maybe improved international cooperation in this field can also be a result of our work?"

Monday May 1, 2006
Side Event:
Sustainable Energy:
Where we are now and where we can go.

We first looked at the current status of energy policies around the world and how they contribute to global ecodevelopment. Then we discussed three scenarios for where we can be in 50 years if we apply our collective political will.

The objective of the discussion was to generate a list of innovative responses that could be developed for CSD 15.

This Side Event was based on the work of HELIO International and INFORSE.

6:30 Welcome and Introduction of Panel and Moderator, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

6:35 Where We are Now: Key Highlights from HELIO Report Series
Laura Williamson – HELIO International

6:50 Country-level Perspective - Mali
Ibrahim Togola – HELIO International – West Africa

7:05 Where We Can Go: Sustainable Energy Visions for the Next 50 Years
Gunnar Olesen Boye - INFORSE

7:20 Moderated Discussion

HELIO International has produced its third independent report series The Ultimate Challenge: Energy for global Ecodevelopment - country analyses and outlooks. Aimed at policy-makers, business people and concerned citizens, these reports are based on eight indicators. Using these as benchmarks, the country-level analysts impart their experience and provide an independent view of the energy scene in their own country. The reports can be used by governments and other stakeholders to better promote ecodevelopment via comprehensive energy policies.

INFORSE – International Network for Sustainable Energy - has developed the Sustainable Energy Vision 2050 a collection of scenarios (national, EU, and global) that demonstrate possible ways to achieve a sustainable energy path by 2050.
The scenarios are based on sustainable levels of use of renewable energy, efficiency increases of factor two-four, and moderate growth in industrialised countries. They use a spreadsheet model that produces easy-to-interpret graphs to be used by decision makers and civil society alike.

- HELIO International:
Covarage of the Even can be read at the website mentioned below:

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