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INFORSE Input to CSD14
Input from INFORSE to Major Groups Contributions to CSD-14
September 1, 2005
Presentation at the UN CSD Preparation Conference
December 15-16, 2005, Geneve
INFORSE is participating in the preparations for the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD)’s sessions on energy, 2006-2007, that will focus on energy for sustainable development.
This includes supplying written inputs as well as participation in the Beijing Renewable Energy Conference and in some UN regional preparatory meetings, such as the meeting for the European conference held December 15-16, 2005 in Geneva.
In this activity, INFORSE cooperates with other NGO networks such as European Eco-Forum, NGO Energy Caucus to CSD, and ANPED.
The NGOs are not the only ones that prepare for CSD; all sectors and many partnerships are preparing their inputs to CSD. In particular, the energy partnerships from Johannesburg World Summit for Sustainable Development and the Renewables2004 conference will be active. That includes the Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition, the REN21 - Renewable Energy Policy Network, and several others. Experience from previous sessions of CSD show that lobbyists for fossil-fuel and nuclear energy will be very active as well, trying to maximise promotion of their unsustainable technologies.
INFORSE will continue to work for the best possible international framework for a global transition to sustainable energy, including:
• phase-out of harmful subsidies;
• changes in international energy lending and technical assistance to support renewable energy and energy efficiency; and
• actions by international institutions to prioritise sustainable energy, in existing institutions as well as with the creation of a new international institution for that purpose.
Read more:
- Air Pollution/Atmosphere and Climate Change and Linkages to Energy for Sustainable Development
NGO speach of Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe/Eco-Forum/92-group/CURES,
December 15-16, 2005, UN Preparatory Meeting to CSD 2006-07, Geneva (doc 36kB)
- INFORSE'S Input for CSD 14 to CSD Secretariat, September 2005, Major Groups Program, Download Input: (doc 500kB)
File: INFORSE_CSD14.doc
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