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June 15, 2005, European Energy Policy Seminar, Brussels
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A seminar on new and upcoming EU policies for sustainable energy and climate protection
9.00 Welcome by INFORSE, EUFORES, EREF
9.15-10.30 New EU climate targets after 2012:
- Possible greenhouse gas reductions in EU after 2012. By Lars Friberg, Climate Action Network Europe on
- European Commission's analysis of cost and benefits of CO2 reduction strategies. By Peter Russ, researcher at the Energy & Climate Change Group of the EC's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.
- National targets, opinion of a progressive country. By repr. of German ministry of environment
10.30 - 11.30 Implementation of energy efficiency targets and opportunities
- Energy efficiency targets as proposed by the Commission and the necessary measures to realise them. By Randall Bowie, European Commission office on regulatory policies for promotion of new energy sources and demand management
- How to realise progressive energy efficiency targets, improving existing introducing new policy measures. By Jenny Holland, EuroACE.
11.30 Coffee Break
11.45 - 12.30 New Central European countries, structural funds for sustainable energy, present and future
- Main obstacles and opportunities. By Marinagiola Fabbri, WWF European Policy Office
A Central European view, By Emil Bedi, INFORSE /FAE Slovakia
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.00 Renewable Heating Directive and EU Initiatives for Renewable Heat
- Progress on development of the 'RES-H' directive and other EU promotion of renewable heat. By Raffaele Piria, European Solar Thermal Industrialists Federation (ESTIF)
14.00 - 14.45 Fossil and nuclear subsidies (the ever-hot topic)
- Nuclear and Coal Subsidies, hot cases and new findings. By Dörte Fouquet, EREF
- Possiblilities for new initiatives to decrease harmful energy phase-out subsidies.
14.45 Coffee
15.15-16.15 Renewable electricity in the internal energy market, conflicts?
- Feed-in tariffs and other support mechanism in the coming internal energy market from 2007. By Marc Timmer, EUFORES.
- EU harmonization of RE support and tariff schemes based on the most successful principles? By Stefan Gsaenger, World Wind Energy Association.
EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development - a support for sustainable energy?
- The need for changes in current plans to really support sustainable energy. By Katarina Krell, EUREC.
- The integration of smaller partners in EU supported R&D. By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe
17.15 - 18.00 Sustainable Energy Vision 2050
Presentation of INFORSE's vision for change to energy efficient use and energy supply from renewable energies until 2050. Examples will specify the changes decade by decade for EU-15, EU-25, and for individual countries. By Gunnar Boye Olesen and others.
The final, open session will have free admittance.
INFORSE: International Network for Sustainable Energy-Europe,
EREF: European Renewable Energies Federation,
EUFORES: European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources,
Abbreviations used in the Program:
ESTIF: European Solar Thermal Industries Federation
EUREC: European Renewable Energy Centres,
EuroACE: European Alliance for Companies for Energy Efficiency,
Venue: Rue Joseph II 166, 1000 Brussels (just beside the Berlaymont Building, Metro: Schuman, exit Charlemagne)
Costs: 100 EUR including lunch and refreshments. Participation is free for INFORSE-Europe members.
Final Session is free.
Registration necessary.
Contact, Info, and Registration:
INFORSE-Europe, att. Gunnar Boye Olesen,
Ph: +45-86227000, Fax: +45 86227096
INFORSE-Europe activities are supported by the DG-Environment Civil Society Support in 2005.
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Contact |
INFORSE Secretariat
Klosterport 4F, 1. floor
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 86 22 70 00
Twitter: INFORSE_org
Facebook: INFORSE