ECOs for a Nuclear-Free Europe

The Energy and Climate Issue Group dealt with more than the official energy conservation negotiations. We also discussed the problems of nuclear power in Europe, and agreed upon the following position on the nuclear issue:

Statement "Towards a Nuclear-Free Europe"

The phase-out of nuclear power in Europe is an important part in the development of an energy sector without adverse effects or special risks to the environment and to human health. A number of environmental ministers agreed upon this in Sofia in 1995.  We call upon all countries to join this effort, and to set a time-frame for the phase-out.
Further, we call upon the countries to transform into actions the agreements made in Sofia and Luzern to phase out the most dangerous nuclear power plants. Concrete plans and timetables for the phase-out are absolutely necessary. The plans must be backed up by international cooperation as well as by support from other countries and international organisations like the EU and EBRD. This support should include a safe phase-out as well as the development of alternative supplies and energy conservation to meet the demand.
Finally, we call upon all countries and international organisations to stop the planning, funding, and construction of new nuclear power plants immediately. The present preferential treatment of nuclear power plant in the EU and elsewhere should be stopped immediately.

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