United Nations Environment Programme

Observed Climate Trends

Vital Climate Graphics : Potential Impacts of Climate Change
Next: Projected changes in CO2 and climate

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19. The six alternative scenarios IS92a-f of 1992.
The projection of future climate change depends partly on the assumptions made about future emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosol precursors and the proportion of emissions remaining in the atmosphere.

In 1992 the IPCC worked out six alternative scenarios termed IS92a-f. These scenarios describe the future development paths in various sectors such as energy, and estimate the emissions of greenhouse gases. This table gives a summary of the assumptions in the six emission scenarios. New scenarios were adopted in 2000. (A graphic depicting the new scenarios will be added later.)

  Next: Projected changes in CO2 and climate
Vital Climate Graphics : Potential Impacts of Climate Change

GRID-Arendal United Nations Environment Programme / GRID-Arendal
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