"Belaya Rus"

Публикации (Publications in Russian)

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"Belaya Rus" - Description

Ecological Initiative "Belaya Rus" is Belarusian non-governmental and non-profit organization.
Our mission is implementation of the principles of sustainable development and working out a concept that ensures respect for the limited capacity of natural resources while meeting social and cultural requirements and making use of economic development and its mechanisms.
We work on local sustainability, alternative energy, environmental information dissemination, and environmental education.

Little History, Membership:

- Since 1989, Belaya Rus has worked in the area of promoting environmental awareness and knowledge.
- In April 1992, Belaya Rus got a legal status as a non-profit organisation with umbrella-structure with the purpose to work in the environmental field under the name of Youth Ecological Movement "Belaya Rus".
- In 2000, Belaya Rus was re-registered according to new legal requirements under the name of Ecological Initiative "Belaya Rus".
- In 1992, Balaya Rus joined INFORSE-Europe (International Network for Sustainable Energy).
- Belaya Rus is also member of CEE Bankwatch Network, and ANPED, Northern Alliance for Sustainability.

Belaya Rus has about 200 members. Since 1994, we publish our monthly environmental magazine Green News in Belarus, which is sent out to 1000 of subscribers.

The Main Areas of Activities are:

Belaya Rus is actively involved in preparation of the new Sustainable Development strategy for Belarus. We are involved in the discussion of environmental legislation and international environmental agreement implementation as a member of the "National Environmental Consultative Council of NGOs".

Project Suported by DANCEE:
In 1999-2001, Belaya Rus and Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy (OVE) implemented a project "Developing Environmental Awareness in Belarus" supported by DANCEE. The project was implemented in two phases. Our main achievements are:

You can read about the project phase 2 (2000-2001) in English at:

List of Main Projects and Activities Realised by Belaya Rus

Project we are Working on in 2002:

More information:
Ecological Initiative Belaya Rus
220109 st. A Krasina 23 - 37, Minsk, Belarus,
Ph/fax: + 375 17 224 54 74
E-mail: Natasha@ecodept.unibel.by